
优游网发布于2018-09-24 20:56




    Vasque的市场营销经理Julie Quinn 说“对于Vasque,2014年GoPro山地运动节是我们非常大的一个营销活动,Vasque作为山地运动节的重要成员,能够让我们更好的和户外爱好者交流。”

    活动参与者可以在Vasque展位参与“灵魂动物测试”(每个人心中,都有一头野兽),完成测试的参与者可以获得一件印有自己“灵魂动物”的HooRag魔术头巾。周日(6月7日),所有选手将穿上越野跑鞋,参与美国最难的10K越野跑比赛,10公里累计海拔爬升达到了2700米之多,这就是Vasque冠名赞助的Vasque 10K Spring Run-Off。;
如需更多信息,请访问Vasque官网: www.vasque.com或者邮件联系

    Vasque是世界知名的Red Wing鞋业公司的子公司。Red Wing于1905年在美国明尼苏达州成立,以专业制造高质量工作靴闻名于世的公司。1965年,Red Wing创立了一家名为Voyager专门制作户外鞋的公司。1972年,品牌名称变更为Vasque(得名于科罗拉多州山脉圣地上的Fort Vasquez)。Vasque是少数真正能提供宽版鞋子的品牌之一,这令顾客可以挑选到合脚的鞋子。 50年后的今天,Vasque品牌依然以创新性、专为特定用途而制造的户外鞋子,不断开辟新的天地。当你的目光专注于前方的道路时,我们的服务和和创新正悄然发生。

Vasque Footwear Announces Second Year as the Official Footwear Partner of the GoPro Mountain Games

Red Wing, MN  Staying true to the authenticity of the mountain lifestyle, Vasque is partnering with hrefGoPro Mountain Games as the official footwear for the country’s largest celebration of adventure sports, art and music for the second year in a row. The event will be held in Vail, CO, June 4-7, 2015, and will include sporting events such as trail, mud and long distance running, mountain and road biking, World Cup bouldering, fly fishing and a variety of kayaking events.

“The Go Pro Mountain Games was a great event for us in 2014,” states Julie Quinn, Marketing Manager of Vasque. “Vasque is dedicated to the trail and being a part of the GoPro Mountain Games gives us an opportunity to connect with outdoor enthusiasts.”

This year attendees can stop by the Vasque booth to take an all new spirit animal quiz to find the animal that is within them on the trail. Those who take the quiz will receive a Spirit Animal HooRag. On Sunday, runners are invited to lace up their trail running shoes and compete in one of the toughest 10Ks in the country, the Vasque 10K Spring Run-Off, a 10K at 9000 feet with challenging mountainous terrain.

For additional information on Vasque visit or email Angie Houck at

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70年后腾冲再现“远征军” 50公里鏖战云南选手勇夺魁


发布于.2018-09-22 14:56



发布于.2018-02-22 09:36