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Thunderclap and Icy Touch don't stack, at least considering the melee portions. That's part of the raid consolidation pass I have referenced a few times.

If Frigid Dreadplate was changed to something like -AP when you hit a DK, then it could act like Demo Shout. It would work on bosses but wouldn't stack with Demo Shout.

Some other classes might be sad when they find their awesome raid buff no longer stacks with someone else's raid buff. Nobody has played a DK for years at this point so anything that feels like a hit to "you MUST bring a death knight" stings, but probably less than if a shaman or paladin starts hearing it about their class.

Say we gave DKs a talent that allowed Icy Talons to apply to the whole raid, but it didn't stack with WF. The first reaction is typically, well that sucks because EVERY raid brings an Enhancement shaman, and that's true today. But at some point if there are enough classes who offer +haste, then the haste buff is mandatory, but WF is not. What if all the +AP buffs didn't stack? What if all of the +spell damage buffs didn't stack? That's the kind of thing we're looking at.

冰触和雷霆一击的减物理攻速部分是不叠加的;冰冷板甲(DK的被击中后一定几率使攻击者减攻速)可能会改为使目标-AP,但是如果改动了也不会和挫志叠加;很多其他职业的raid buff/debuff都不再会和不同职业的叠加了(译者注:如前几天提到的元素诅咒和暗影交织+悲惨/DK的乌光瘟疫)。所谓“raid必须带DK”这种想法是无稽之谈。


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