关于这句话 GC还有个补充说明:
(注:现在版本的 瘟疫打击 ,而文中说的 血之瘟疫 是瘟疫打击技能打出来的效果。在目前版本下,血之瘟疫每一跳都有25%的几率移除目标身上的一个持续治疗效果。另外别忘了,DK可以拽人,所以恢复德面对DK可以说毫无还手之力……
This (the hot removal of Blood Plague) is something we are definitely taking a hard look at for 3.1. Plague Strike is intentionally weak because of this ancillary effect, but that also leads to DKs not wanting to use a core ability except when doing PvP against hot-based healers (which pretty much means druids). DK survivability and utility in PvP are definitely not something we are overly worried about at the moment
I meant that DKs have plenty going for them in PvP even if they could no longer remove a whole stack of Lifebloom.