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  * Spring Rabbit - 春天的小兔子

  * Plump Turkey -胖胖的火鸡

  * Teldrassil Sproutling - 泰达希尔Sproutling 好象是小苞芽什么东西,可能是湖边那种元素怪

  * Tirisfal Batling - 提瑞斯法小蝙蝠

  * Dun Morogh Cub - 丹莫罗宝宝……这个不知道是什么种类……

  * Durotar Scorpion -  杜隆塔尔小蝎子

  * Alarming Clockbot - 报警Clockbot……不知道这个是什么,我估计我认为也许难道是侏儒主城副本掉落?

  * Elwynn Lamb - 艾尔文小咩咩 =。=

  * Mulgore Hatchling - 莫高雷小鸟? 我估计是食尸鸟的模型

  * Ammen Vale Lashling - Ammen Vale(德莱尼新手村的名字)小花 那种会走的花的模型

  * Strand Crawler - 海滩小爪爪 =。= 我估计是小螃蟹

  * Enchanted Broom - =。=不知道什么

  * Argent Squire - 银色护卫

  * Mechanopeep - 机械什么东西

  * Argent Gruntling - 银色守卫

  * Curious Gorloc Hatchling - 好奇的鳄鱼人宝宝

  * Curious Wolvar Pup - 好奇的狼獾人宝宝

  * Gorloc Orphan - Right Click to summon and dismiss the orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week.

  * Wolvar Orphan - Right Click to summon and dismiss the orphan you've agreed to look after for Children's Week.


  * Murkimus the Gladiator - 角斗士Murkimus

  * Sen'jin Fetish - 森金村雕象……


  Aquatic Riding Ray 不知道是哪个……难道是天空卫队?

  Aquatic Riding Ray - 水生?骑乘鳐

  Swift Stormwind Steed - 暴风城马

  Great Azuremyst Elekk - 德莱尼大象

  Swift Darnassian Mistsaber - 达纳苏老虎

  Swift Silvermoon Hawkstrider - 银月龙鹰

  Great Mulgore Kodo - 莫高雷科多

  Turbostrider - 侏儒陆行鸟

  Swift Ironforge Ram - 铁炉堡山羊

  Swift Sen'jin Raptor - 森金村迅猛龙

  Forsaken Warhorse - 被遗忘者战马

  Swift Orgrimmar Wolf - 奥格瑞玛狼

  Mimiron's Head - Summons and dismisses a rideable mechanical gnome head. This is a very fast construction. This construction can only be summoned in Outland or Northrend.

  Mimiron's Head 这个是奥达尔BOSS的头


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