We can reveal outstanding results from our recent extensive market research on China’s rapidly growing equine market.

Our survey interviewed local Chinese riding clubs to gauge their purchasing plans for the next 18 months, which we can reveal provided the fantastic feedback below:
60% of Chinese riding clubs are planning to purchase horses
74% of Chinese riding clubs purchase horses annually
81% of Chinese riding clubs plan to purchase horse related equipment
52% of Chinese riding clubs plan to upgrade or build new stables
65% of Chinese riding clubs plan to purchase nutrition and veterinary products
It is clear that the popularity of horse riding continues to grow in China and clubs are particularly interested in purchasing horses from America, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK.

You just cannot afford to ignore China.

Rather than spending large amounts of time trying to identify who to contact to gain entry to this market, at CHF 2017 we will bring the Chinese Equestrian market to you! Over 3 days you will have the potential to meet over 3,000 Chinese Equestrian buyers, all sourcing for horses, equestrian products and services.

There is no time to delay, to make sure you don’t miss out, please request further information now and join us for our 11th edition of the CHF.