因应新冠肺炎疫情,印度自 3 月 24 日起实施隔离封锁。由于民众及商业活动停摆,导致空气污染水平也显著降低。在旁遮普邦的贾兰德哈尔(Jalandhar)地区,如今可以看到 200 公里外的喜马拉雅山脉。当地居民称,他们已经 30 年未见过雪山的情景。
Himalaya mountains can be seen from Jalandhar since pollution has reduced in Punjab. Beautiful sight ?#punjab #COVID19 #pollution pic.twitter.com/iZy7hwxX9R
— TjSingh (@covsinghtj) April 3, 2020
印度人口约 14 亿,据 IQAIR 统计,它是世界上污染最严重的都市之一。India Today Data Intelligence Unit 的一份报告写道:“资料显示,3 月 16 日至 24 日,印度都市的平均空气质量指数(AQI)为 115(严重)。从封锁的第一天开始,空气质量开始改善。单在禁闭的首三天,空气质量指数(AQI)已降至平均 75(中等)。”
Mother Nature is Healing Itself... This is a picture from India they haven’t seen these mountain ranges from their homes for 30 years- this is since isolation in India ?? Let’s keep these sights happening ?????? https://t.co/QH4GpVnOiQ
— Helen Urlacher (@HelenUrlacher) April 8, 2020
Pollution levels drop in India and it’s beautiful. Seeing the snow tips of the Himalayan Mountains for the 1st time in 30 years ?? #Quarantine https://t.co/3vn2M9woo0
— taylor iman (@misstayloriman) April 8, 2020
根据世界卫生组织的标准,空气质量的安全限值是悬浮微粒读数低于每立方米 20 毫克。据 SBS News 新闻报道,印度在过去一年的大部分时间,悬浮微粒读数都徘徊在每立方米 100 毫克,是安全标准的 5 倍!
来源:Mail Online