制作人/Filmmaker:Nicholas Edwards
类别/Category:航海,冒险/Sailing, Adventure
电影简介/Film Synopsis:
The vessel is the Infinity: a 120-foot nomadic sailboat, built by hand in the 1970s, with no reinforced hull to protect it from ice damage. The crew is a band of wandering gypsy miscreants; with no permits, no insurance and no budget. During the iciest year on record in the Southern Ocean, the Infinity and her 16-strong crew left New Zealand to travel 13,000 kilometres across the Pacific to Patagonia via Antarctica.
Along the way, they battled a hurricane of ice in the Ross Sea, faced a barrage of compounding mechanical and flooding crises, undertook a mission with radical environmental group Sea Shepherd, tore every sail they had, and unwittingly travelled further south than any other sailing vessel that year. This is a story about sailing, the camaraderie of a shared struggle and the raw awe-inspiring power of the natural world.