Tecnica泰尼卡公司,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO ,@MICO中国,以及意大利奥斯塔山谷大区赞助的四位中国参赛选手中还在继续参赛的两位曾华锋(荒城V) 、陈漱文(Power42195)在意大利时间9月14日均顺利的完成了比赛,到达终点,曾华锋以143:43:48成绩,位列266位;陈漱文用时148:21:25排名370位;另外一位来自香港的朋友曾建杰 148:11:07完赛排名366位。
Chinese athletes Zeng Huafeng (荒城V)and Chen Shuwen (Power42195)who are sponsored by Tecnica泰尼卡公司,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO ,@MICO中国,and意大利奥斯塔山谷大区reached finishing line on 14th September, Zeng Huafeng’s result 143:43:48, ranking 266th; Chen Shuwen’s result is 148:21:25, ranking 370th; another athlete Zeng Jianjie who comes from Hongkong, his result is 148:11:07, ranking 366th.
泰尼卡中国市场部经理@爱吃麻麻鱼 与@奥巴巴通完电话了解到:当地时间9月13日11:00,泰尼卡中国的执行董事MISO先生带@奥巴巴 和@金飞豹走天涯赶往奥斯塔地区殡仪馆瞻仰了杨源的遗容。@奥巴巴说:“意大利方面为杨源的遗体悉心处理,更换了一身干净整洁的运动着装、体面安详。据意大利殡仪馆工作人员透露:最迟下周四将会启动杨源遗体的回国事宜,请转告家人。当地周六上午10:00组委会有纪念杨源的活动,我们国内跑友会集体参加,在此向杨源的家人表示沉痛哀悼,节哀保重,祝杨源一路走好!据Roby说比赛结束后会有组委会和泰尼卡组织的为杨源募捐的活动。(以上摘录自@奥巴巴与@爱吃麻麻鱼 的通话纪录)
After Tecnica China Marketing Manager @爱吃麻麻鱼 had phone call with @奥巴巴, he knew that: 11 am on 13th September, Tecnica China Managing Director Miso, leads @奥巴巴 and @金飞豹走天涯 to Aosta funeral parlour to see Yang Yuan. @奥巴巴 said, “Italy side deal with Yang Yuan’s body very carefully, dress him clean and tidy sport wear, his face was peaceful.” Staff of Italy side of funeral parlour said: they will start sending Yang Yuan back to China issue maximum on next Thursday, please deliver the message to his family. There will be a memorial activity at 10 a.m. on Saturday, our Chinese athletes will attend, we are here to express our condolences to Yang Yuan’s family, please take care, we wish all the best to Yang Yuan!
573号中国选手曾华锋@荒城V 已经于当地时间13日20:00通过303公里的Bosses 补给点,还有最后29公里,但是他的膝盖很疼,只能用走的。极致玩家 的冯导陪伴他走完最后的赛段!最终他于当地时间14日上午10:00完成全部330km比赛,用时143小时43分48秒的成绩,位列266位!他成为第一个完成全程330km的中国选手(去年因为天气原因缩至303km)!他这几天的辛苦努力和坚持,让他挺住了,顺利冲过终点!
Bib number 573, Chinese athlete Zeng Huafeng @荒城V passed Bosses station where located 303 km from the starting line at 20:00 local time, there is the last 29 km, but his knees suffered with extreme pains, so he can only walk. Director Feng from 极致玩家 stay with him for the remaining route! Finally, he complete the race of 330 km at 10 a.m. on 14th September, with the result of 143:43:48, ranking 266th! He is the first Chinese athlete who complete the whole 330km (last year was cut down to 303 km due to unexpected bad weather)! He is succeed for by his willpower and and hard work, he reached finishing line!
而另一位选手574号选手陈漱文@Power42195 携手香港选手曾庆坚难兄难弟激情冲线,他于当地时间14:38分完成全部330km比赛,用时148:21:25排名370位!冲线后,他手持"1040-对杨源的记忆"在终点拍照,他的归来是最让人感动的!他现在正在接受多家媒体的采访,包括巨人之旅官方的采访,也许我们在巨人之旅2013年的宣传片里就会看到这个片段!
Another athlete bib number 574 Chen Shuwen@Power42195 come with his buddy Zeng Qingjian who comes from Hongkong, rush to finishing line together, he reached finishing line at 14:38, result is 148:11:07, ranking 370th! After his completion of the race, he hold with “1040-Memory for Yang Yuan”, for shooting at finishing line, his back is really touched! Now he is been interviewed by many media, include TDG official interview, we might see this in 2013 official promo video.
随着2013 TDG巨人之旅150小时关门时间的来到,今年比赛共有385位选手顺利完赛!明天的颁奖,还有对1040号选手杨源的募捐纪念活动,会及时为您送达!请关注我们“泰尼卡中国”官方微博和微信。
With 2013 TDG 150 hours closing time coming, there is 385 athletes successfully complete the race! There will be a memorial donation activity for Yang Yuan, bib number 1040 during tomorrow’s awarding ceremony, and we will deliver the news to all! Please follow our “泰尼卡中国” official weibo and weixin.