1. 你的目的地是哪里?
Q:What is your final destination?
A:I am going to ___(地点). 我要去___。/I am here to transfer to ___(地点). 我要从这里转机前往 ___。
2. 你会在这里待多久?
Q:How long will you stay?
A:I will stay here for 7 days and I will return to Taiwan on 2nd of July. 我会在这里停留7天,然后在7月2日飞回台湾。
3. 你这次造访的目的是什么?
Q:What is the purpose of your visit?
A:I am here for a vacation. / I am here to visit my family and friends. / I am here for a business trip. 我来这里度假。/我来这里探访我的亲友。/我来出差的。
4. 你会住在哪里?
Q:Where will you stay?
A:I will stay in ___ Hotel. / I will stay at my friend’s place in ___. 我会住在___酒店。/我会住朋友的家,他住在___。
5. 你身上携带了多少现金入境?
Q:How much currency/ cash are you carrying?
A:I have ____ (多少钱) cash. 我带了 ____ 现金。
6. 你有东西要申报吗?
Q:Do you have anything to declare?
A:I have nothing to declare. 我没有物品需要申报。/Yes, I need to declare ___. 我需要申报___。
(图/区??枕 Incheon Airport)
7. 你是否已预订回程机票?
Q:Have you confirmed your return ticket?
A:Yes, I am leaving on 2nd of July. 有,我会在7月2日离境。/I haven’t confirmed the air ticket yet, but I will leave before 2nd of July. 我还没有确认回程机票,但我会在7月2日前离境。
8. 你从事什么行业?
Q:What is your occupation?
A:I am a student/ teacher/ banker/ salesperson/ nurse… 我是学生/教师/银行家/销售人员/护士…。
9. 你在本国有亲属吗?
Q:Do you have any relatives living here in this country?
A:Yes, my auntie/ uncle/ cousin/ grandparents/ mother/ father/ sister/ brother is / are living here. 有,我的姨妈/叔叔/表兄弟姐妹/祖父母/母亲/父亲/姐妹/兄弟居住在这里。/No. 没有。
10. 你的行李袋有些什么?
Q:What do you have in the bag?
A:My clothes, books, camera, and cell phone. 衣服、书籍、照相机和手机。
Sorry. No fresh fruits, vegetables, or meats may be brought in. You have to leave it here. We will have to dispose of them.