Tecnica泰尼卡公司领队意大利美女Roby和@泰尼卡中国,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO ,@MICO中国,以及意大利奥斯塔山谷大区赞助的四位中国参赛选手曾华锋(荒城V) 、汪大清(奥巴巴)、金飞豹( 金飞豹走天涯) 、陈漱文(Power42195)在意大利时间9月7日下午(北京时间9月8日凌晨),在参加完TDG官方组织的说明会后,了解了今天比赛的一些情况,今年的天气比去年要差很多,这四位参赛选手回去也做了精心的调整和准备。
Tecnica team leader, Italian beauty Roby, with 4 Chinese participants 曾华峰(荒城V),汪大清(奥巴巴),金飞豹(金飞豹走天涯),陈漱文(Power42195)who are sponsored by @泰尼卡中国,@Actionfox快乐狐狸,@ISPO,@MICO中国 and Valle d’ Aosta Italy,in the afternoon on 7th September Italian time (early morning of 8th September Beijing time), after attended TDG official introduction meeting, to understand some of the situation, the weather is a lot worst than last year’s, our 4 athletes made careful adjustment and preparation.
Early in the morning, there is good visibility, we could see Mont Blanc.
但是天空下起了雨,一起跑就有雨水相伴,也让所有的运动员面对比赛更加谨慎了。 四位中国的参赛选手在起跑线准备就绪,合影留念。从他们的表情看来,似乎他们的心情很不错。
But it was raining, there’s rain come with the contest start, made all athletes more cautious. 4 Chinese athletes are ready in front of starting line, took photos. It looks they have good mood from their look.
比赛在意大利当地时间9月8日早10点(北京时间9月8日下午四点),在去年获得优秀名次的选手一一入场之后,正式开始!曾华锋573号;汪大清1038号;金飞豹936号;陈漱文574号;Franco 005号
After last year’s top ranking athletes entry, the contest officially began at 10 a.m. on 8th September 2013 Italian local time (4 p.m. on 8th September 2013 Beijing time). Zenghuafeng No.537; Wangdaqing No.1038; Jinfeibao No.936; Chenshuwen No.574; Franco No.005.
比赛开始之后,前方的报道组立刻赶往第一个补给站La Thuile,这里也是第一个记时点。作为我们熟悉的老朋友,Franco隶属于第一个集团的第二位进入补给站,看来他今年的状态相当的好。Iker Carreras 目前排名第一;Cristhophe Le Saux 暂列第三。
After the contest began, report team rushed to the first station immediately La Thuile, this is the also the first timing point. As our familiar friend, Franco is the 2nd that entered in the station, he looked very good. Iker Carreras is the 1st at the moment; Crithophe Le Saux is the 3rd at the moment.
我们再来说说中国选手,陈漱文(Power42195)尽管手指受伤,他却是第一个进入补给站;之后,曾华锋(荒城V) 、汪大清(奥巴巴)、金飞豹( 金飞豹走天涯)也陆陆续续通过了这个位于17.5km(前方领队Roby得到确认的答复)的补给站。天气似乎并没有给各位选手面子,他们刚走出这个补给点,大雨再次光临,据说晚上还会下雪。在期待成绩的同时,更担心他们每个人是否准备好迎接恶劣的天气了呢?
Let’s back to see our Chinese athletes, Chenshuwen (Power42195) was the first one who entered into station even if his finger was injured; and then, Zenghuafeng (荒城V), Wangdaqing (奥巴巴), Jinfeibao (金飞豹走天涯) reached the station one by one (confirmed by team leader Roby), the station located in 17.5km. It looks the weather didn’t give any benefit to athletes, they just left station, the heavy rain came again, it is said there’s snowing during the night. We are expecting for the next result, but we are concerning are they ready for worse weather?
意大利的世界顶级越野跑赛事“330公里巨人之旅”简介:http://www.lvye.cn/article-27249-1.html 该贴已经同步到 TECNICA的微博