摘要:虽然暴雪主设计师表示了对免费运营模式的认同,但是暴雪至少在近几年没有将魔兽免费运营化的打算。此前报道的 《魔兽世界》免费运营的传谣不攻自破 |
“Anything I say now could easily five years from now end up seeming like, oh my gosh, that was an incredibly dumb thing to say, how naive!”
VideoGamer.com: Will WoW always be subscription based? Could it ever have a micro-transaction/free-to-play model?
TC: I certainly think it's possible that we could do some kind of micro-transaction stuff. Whether or not World of Warcraft ever goes the direction of, I guess like Anarchy Online has gone the direction of going free-to-play with micro-transactions. Whether we ever shift to a free-to-play model is really too hard to say at this point. Anything I say now could easily five years from now end up seeming like, oh my gosh, that was an incredibly dumb thing to say, how naive!