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When deciding on which are the best comic books what are the categories, all time, this year or only ones with supper heroes? Without argument Superman and Batman have been the favorites for so long that they will always be at the top of any list. The two most famous do come from the same company, prada outlet DC Comics. What is little known is that the first Superman was a villain. louis vuitton outlet store Back in the early 1930's Hitler was on his rise to power and was going to create a race of supermen. The idea was changed almost immediately because the second issue of Superman had him as a crime fighter. The original comic that Superman was in was named Action Comics. coach outlet Action comics #7 was when the alter ego Clark Kent was introduced to the world. Another little known fact is that the Clark Kent ego is a fictional representation of Clark Gable. Burberry on sale By the year 1941 when America entered the war, Superman was already in 300 newspapers worldwide. ed hardy sale Batman was a compilation of figures from the early part of the 20th century. By combining da Vinci's flying machine, the Bat Whispers, the Mark of Zorro and Dracula the creator Bob Kane developed Batman. What a wild combination, but it worked and was first published in the Detective Comics #27. CHANEL outlet These two famous super heroes went on for years and are to this day still going strong in not only comic strips but in movies as well. cheap designer handbags Superman and Batman were so popular back in the beginning that even Uncle Sam enlisted them in the war effort. They helped to sell war bonds that supplied the government with the money to beat the Nazis. armani outlet Superman might have been first but Batman was the first super hero comic to make it to be a live action film. See what I mean, the best comic books depends on your perspective. nike outlet

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