Weir's Cave
Weir's Cave (sometimes written Weyer's), was named after Bernard Weyer, who discovered it in 1804, while in chase of a wild animal who fled New Orlean Saints jerseys thither for escape. Many of the countless apartments in this grand subterranean castle MBT are of exquisite beauty— others again are magnificent in their grand extent. Washington Hall, the largest chamber, is no less than 250 feet in length. A traveller MBT shoes clearance visiting the cave on the occasion of an annual illumination, thus describes this noble apartment:
" There is a fine sheet of rock-work running up the centre of this room, and giving it the aspect of two separate and noble galleries, till you look above, where you observe the partition rises only twenty feet throwback jerseys towards the roof, and leaves Baltimore Ravers jerseys the fine arch expanding over your head untouched. There is a beautiful connection here standing out in the room, which certainly has the form and drapery of a gigantic football jerseys statue; it bears the name of the Nation's Hero; and the whole place is filled with these projections—appearances which excite the imagination by NFL jerseys suggesting resemblances, and leaving them unfinished. The general effect, too, was perhaps indescribable. The MBT fine perspective of this room, four times the length of an ordinary church ; the numerous tapers, when near you, so encumbered MBT shoes by deep shadows as MBT to give only a dim, religious light, and when at a distance, appearing in their various attitudes like twinkling stars on a deep, dark heaven ; the amazing vaulted roof spread over you, with its carved and knotted surface, to which the streaming lights below in vain endeavored to convey their radiance ; together with the impression that you had made so deep an entrance, and were so entirely cut off from the living world and ordinary MBT shoes things, produces an effect which, perhaps, the mind can receive but once, and will retain MBT shoes for ever."
" Weir's Cave," Minnesota Vikings jerseys says the same writer, "is, in my judgment, one of the great natural wonders of this new world, and for its MBT Sandals eminence in its own class, deserves to be ranked with the Natural Bridge and Niagara, while it is far less known than either. Its dimensions, by the most direct course, are more than 1,600 feet, and by the more winding paths, twice that length; and its objects are remarkable for their variety, formation and beauty. In both respects, it will, I think, compare, without injury to itself, with the celebrated Grotto of Antiparos. For myself, I acknowledge the spectacle to have been most interesting;-but to be so, it must be illuminated as on this occasion.