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Half-breed 82

Half-breed 82
It is not hard to deconstruct the modes of discursive power. It is much harder to discover how discourse operates within institutions. One point on which there was wide agreement at the workshops was how litde we actually know about the way institutions from small NGOs to the World Bank梐ctually operate. Papers like those of Finnemore, Sikkink. and Pigg represent a beginning." In North America, we know even less about the distinct forms of organization, the political issues, and the relations with former colonies that characterize the European Economic Community. Scandinavia, or Japan (sec Gendarme 1995). We tend to think of NGOs as a category whose mere existence shows that "civil society" is working to counter the state's dominance of development initiatives, but we also tend to treat those organizations in generic terms, not exploring their varied ideologies, organizational forms, and relations to state mechanisms. The subde interplay of national policy, foundations with the financial re-sources to shape intellectual inquiry, and the operations of programs in the field梚ssues raised in different Peyton Manning Jersey contexts by Packard, Sharpless, and Pigg梔eserves further study. The momentous events of recent years that cast Eastern Europe into a realm of "transition" and "development" raises questions that have long needed more attention in Africa. Latin Football Jerseys Tim Tebow Jersey America, and Asia: how to understand specific dynamics of change without taking the end point for granted (Verdery 1996; Stark 1996).
After all is said, we are still left with dilemmas intrinsic to Minnesota Vikings Jerseys the enormous inequalities of wealth, power, and acccss to knowledge in the world: the desperate nature of problems versus the impcriousness of proposed so-lutions, the specific social relations and struggles in each situation versus the dangers of paralysis before vast and varied problems, awareness NFL jerseys of the ways in which global and national structures condition exploitation and impoverishment versus the political dangers of too close an examination of precisely those sorts of issues.
To argue, as we have been doing, that the development concept can be located in historical conjunctures and that it can be understood in rela-tion to intellectual trends, shifts in global economic structures, political exigencies, and institutional dynamics has important implications for de-bates about the future. It lends a certain skepticism to New Orlean Saints Jerseys assumptions that current fashions梥uch as "getting prices right" or "sustainability"梤ep-resent the triumph of one model over another. The record of the past suggests that theories that seem to be conquering the world are part of shifting patterns, perhaps even a cyclical alternation between approaches that are laisscz fairc and growth-oriented versus those that arc politically interventionist and equity-oriented. The kinds of analysis contained in this volume encourage skepticism over whether "the market" can be neatly opposed to "the state" or to "policy interventions"; once one starts to talk about real markets they tum out to be as messy, as filled with block-ages and contradictions, as the real suites whose failings have become all too familiar

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