Harry. No; but I believe the side of the sky were the sun rises is called the East.Father. It is so; and the side where it sets is called the West.—Now you may always know the south and the north, wherever you are, if you know where the sun either rises or sets. If you coach bags outlet know where it rises, stand with your left band towards that part of the sky, and then the part of the sky berfeire your lace will be the South, and that part of the sky behind your back will be p90x dvd the North.In the same manner, if you know where the sun sets, turn your right hand towards that place, and the part of the sky opposite coach purses outlet to you will be the South.But, True Religion Jeans Outlet Harry, you must remember that there are only two days in the year, when the . sun sets exactly in the West, and rises exactly in the East.
Harry. What days mbt shoes are those, papa ?Father. It would be of no use to you now to know the names of easytone those days, but when one of them comes, I will let you know it. On that day the sun rises exactly at six o'clock in the morning, p90x workout and sets etfSStly at six o'clock in the evening.Papa, said Harry, I have observed several times, that my shadow in the morning and in the evening is very long ; but in the middle of the day I can scarcely see my shadow.Father. You must think about it yourself, Harry : for if 1 tell you every thing, that you want to know, without your taking the trouble to think, you will not have the habit of thinking for yourself; and without being able to think for yourself, you will never have good sense.
The bricks which Harry and Lucy had made the year be¬fore, had all been melted away (as True Religion Outlet the workmen say; by the rain, or broken, because they had not been burnt; but Harry had dug some reebok easytone shoes tough yellow clay, of a proper sort, in the month of November, before the usual frosts of the winter had begun ; and Harry mixed it well with his shape ups spade, and Lucy picked out Coach Bags the Coach bag little pebbles with a small paddle, and coach handbags the mbt shoes frost made the clay mellow, as the workmen call it. And in the spring Harry made nearly six hundred bricks, and built them into stacks, and covered them with turf, which his father had let him pare off the surface of the ground.