British schoolboy Kyle Kane has been crowned the world's strongest 12-year-old after lifting a 22-stone weight at a junior bodybuilding event。
The youngster smashed the previous record by over five stone after he hoisted a 308lb weight in one clean lift。
The Coventry schoolboy broke the record for his age during a charity bodybuilding event at the Standard Triumph Club in his hometown on Sunday。
Kyle said he hopes one day to become an Olympic weightlifter and bring gold back to Britain。
Nicknamed Little Arnie after musclemen Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kyle now trains in the gym four times a week and can shift 600lb (272kg) with his legs, 309lb (140kg) deadweight and bench-press 200lb (90kg)。
"People may think I've been pushed into weightlifting, but I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do, I do this because I love it。
At 5ft 7ins and 10.5 stone he is already twice the size of most boys his age and has muscles to rival that of most men。
He said: "I just want to be as muscley as I can be。
He started kickboxing 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 魔域私服 天龙八部私服 热血江湖私服 奇迹私服 战歌网 奇迹私服when he was four-years-old and became a black belt by the age of nine. He began weightlifting when he was 10.
"Hopefully one day I can train in the Olympics or compete in the World's Strongest Man but failing that I'd like to be a professional bodybuilder like my dad。
When he is not training, Kyle enjoys playing with his school friends at Grace Academy where his favourite subjects are History and PE。
Prior to his attempt, the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters World Record dead lift for a 12-year-old was 236lb, set by an American youngster。
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