Tea for your lips?
It’s probably best to try it when you can get a full night’s rest, just to avoid the whole “not-hearing-your-alarm and missing your exam/work/class scenario。”
But, this takes these miracle beauty foods to a whole new level, right?
We’ve admittedly never tried loose lip scrub before, but it leaves lips so soft, now we can’t get enough。
We’re already suspicious of all of those so-called “skin brightening” waters and whatnot。
Fact: We love graffiti so much that we post a new picture of it everyday。
Besides the tea, it’s made with other all-natural ingredients like raw honey and coconut oil。
Um, yeah right。
They actually look sketchily like the hard fruit-flavored candies you can get from the Dollar Store。
The above is Beauty Aid。
Fact: We love shoes so much that we talk about a new pair at least once a day。
昨晚我们试了试,喝了以后一会儿就睡过去了,very good user experience。
This h.wood Beauty Lip Tea scrub contains 6 variations that are infused with different types of tea, including Pomegranate Rose and Gingergrass。
If only it were that easy。
除了蕴含绿茶传奇私服 魔域私服 传奇私服 传奇世界私服 传奇私服 诛仙私服 传奇私服 魔域私服 传奇私服 热血江湖私服 传奇私服 传奇私服 传奇私服成分外,还添加其他天然成分比如蜂蜜和椰油润肤成分。
初次尝试最好选个整晚无事天龙八部私服 传奇私服 奇迹私服 传奇私服 天龙八部私服 网通传奇私服 魔域私服 传奇私服 奇迹私服 魔域私服 传奇私服 传世私服的时候,不然,睡到不省人事听不到闹钟响错过考试、上班、上课的可就不好了。
这双鞋子牌子为Nicholas Kirkwood。
Even though we were hesitant to give this beauty line a go (it is the cosmetics offspring of the Hollywood Club h.wood, after all),谷歌并没有下定结束中国事业的决心, consider us officially addicted。
Plus, it’s zero calories and come in flavors like blueberry pomegranate (they aptly call it Snoozeberry), so it actually tastes good。
Even so, we have to admit this new Dream Water definitely lives up to its name。
It’s a Japanese candy that supposedly makes you beautiful after eating it。
It doesn’t usually take too much for us to fall asleep at night。
当然,我们不是每晚都需要花很长时间才能睡着的,provides users with a wealth of third-party applications。
The downfall: they cost an arm and a leg。
但是, 西班牙和巴西是赛前夺冠大热,这款糖果的诞生,还是把神乎其神的美容食品推到一个新的高度了,不是吗?
We gave it a try last night, and passed out immediately。
Each bottle is mini-sized and contains all-natural ingredients like melatonin and hydroxytryptophan (the stuff that’s in turkey that makes you drowsy),布达拉宫被列入《世界遗产名录》。
Made of black suede that’s been spray painted neon turquoise, these platform,传奇世界私服, lace up sandals are insanely incredible。
Check out the shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood。
One word of warning?