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I don't want to turn this into a hunter thread. I also want to suggest that you don't need to dress up a legit question inside of so many accusations of conficts of interest or whatever. I generally don't like to reward questions or statements with this tone with a blue response. However, this is a concern I want to try to address so I'll make an exception.

Our (the class and item designers) primary concern is with the game design, not with public relations. We don't approach the classes as a parent might approch their children, making sure that everyone gets the same number of gifts under the tree or whatever. Instead we have a list of concerns that we work our way down. One concern was "Man, hunter dps seems really high in PvE." Another was "Arcane just isn't viable in PvE." We bump things up and down on the list for various reasons, and a lot of it has to do with what other tasks or projects we are working on at the moment. Some are trivial changes and some are quite complicated and require code. You learn very quickly working on WoW that you can't fix everything at once. It's a gigantic game. The best you can do is triage, or just slowly start working your way through the list. We are our own biggest critics and we always think there are things we can improve.

You should not interpet the order in which changes come out to mean all that much. We do try to address "pressing" or "critical" problems faster, but which issues those are varies wildly depending on which class you ask.


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