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  暴雪蓝贴:雷霆风暴看上去比小D的台风更加实用.当平衡德失去了他们的PVP主力天赋时候(不清楚3.1小D).萨满却在3.1获得了很多PVP的加强(的确) , 比较能力是件复杂的工作. 有时候可以用相同的方式来改动相类似的一些魔法, 但是如果做得太多所带来的危险(大概是意思改动的太多),就可能会让人感觉到所有的魔法都是一个样(动画不同,类型伤害之类一样)

  翻者谈:个人感觉3.1萨满算是大BUFF了. 也许是以前几个PATCH的缘故,这次大BUFF后.虽然没注意其他职业的变动.但是总有种感觉其他职业也被大BUFF了..而且比萨满BUFF得还要大...也许这就是做了几年萨满最直接的感受吧.



  Thunderstorm seems a good deal more popular (meaning actually used) than Typhoon. Shamans also had several PvP buffs this patch while balance druids lost their main talented PvP ability, the Celestial Focus stun. It's tricky to compare abilities. Sometimes it makes sense to change similar spells in all the same way, but the risk of doing that too much is that every spell feels the same.


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