Nathanyel, religious censorship more reasonable because they "feel" strongly? Please. 嘿,Nathanyel哥们,这种宗教制度审查只是因为大家都想要这样所以合理?拜托……
In China it's the government oppressing their people. In the US it's the people oppressing themselves, and for what? Because a Roman emperor once gathered a few scriptures in a book and told everyone God wrote it.在中国,是**压迫着人民。到了美国,美国人自己和自己过不去,自己压迫自己?原因是啥?哦,因为圣经其实也就是罗马帝国的小皇帝整了点人写了点书,然后说,这东东是上帝写的,所以叫圣经。
The Chinese government leads a billion and one of the most important and influentual ecconomies in the world. God leads the**领到了亿万人民而且这是世界上最重要也最有影响力的经济体之一。(LOL)上帝领导着咱们这群瞎子。
——Common sense, isn't.(这位童鞋貌似是反上帝论者,而且坚定地要求裸女应该在游戏中出现)
@ Common sense, isn't.嘿,哥们。
I don't consider myself "oppressed" by myself because I don't want to see naked boobies in a game, driven by a religious desire not to think lustful thoughts (NO not at pixels but at the real life images in my mind they may evoke).我可从来没认为我自己找自己的麻烦,自己压迫自己。游戏里面的裸女会导致宗教里面开始会有淫荡的思考?游戏里面的像素不会,不过你在外面乱搞那就是为宗教所不能容忍的。
And you are so factually off the mark thinking a Roman emperor put a bunch of writings together and signed it "God". From Genesis to Revelation, the scriptures were written down over many hundreds of years and were considered "the Bible" in present form long before Constantine showed up (also, he was Byzantine, not Roman, but I guess you mean him as "emperor of Rome"). The manuscripts (literally thousands) exist and many are available in museums around the world, and they have been scientifically studied and dated. It's not even a question of religion, it's scientific fact that the writings of the Bible have been around for a very long time.不翻译了,这些就是整了一大堆关于圣经不是罗马皇帝杜撰的证据,貌似还是真的。
Your little conspiracy theory doesn't hold water. Please get your facts straight before you open your mouth.貌似你滴小小的阴谋论是站不住脚滴。在你说话之前,你找点确凿的证据先。
Somehow I think you're dead wrong. Why do I say that? Imagine a game in America that was filled with people "taking Cleveland Steamers on Jesus." No Christians would buy such a game. Hell...even if the governmnent forced the removal of these images, the game still wouldn't sell to those people. You don't need the government to protect people from games that offend them. They will not buy them, or request the removal of such images themselves...我觉得你完全错了。为啥我这么说呢?想象下,美国的的一个游戏充满基督玩Cleveland Steamers,肯定每一个基督徒会买这个游戏。哪怕政府强迫去掉这东东,还是没人买。玩家根本不用政府这些所谓的保护,他们自己就不会买,而且也自己会要求去掉这些东东。(强烈要求大家去google下Cleveland Steamers,这词很好很强大,我怕翻成中文就给和谐了)
Now, obviously, the Chinese people who are playing WoW are not that horribly offended by images of bones. This is supported by the fact that they went to other countries' uncensored servers when they couldn't play on Chinese servers. Why would they do that if these bones and heads were so terribly offensive to them?显然,中国玩wow的玩家从来没被这种骨头图像吓到吧,他们很多人在没法玩自己国家和谐的服务器然后跑到别的没和谐的服务器也没给吓到,这是事实,那么为啥要和谐掉这些根本吓不倒人的骨头和骷髅头呢?
So it comes down to this:
If Blizzard were just being nice and changing some things because they knew that Chinese culture would be more likely to enjoy the game? GREAT!如果暴雪改掉点东西因为他们认为这些会更符合中国文化,而让玩家玩的更开心,那不错。
That's not the case, though. This is just an example of an oppressive government censoring things in order to keep up the appearance that they make the world happy and shiny.但事实不是这样,这只是一个小小的例子,中国**审查这东东而使得他们的世界更加欢乐和阳光。
Need more proof that China's censorship isn't all about their people's beliefs? Google the phrase "tiananmen square" on regular Google Images...then on Google China. See all those pictures of happy people waving flags and fireworks shows on China's version? must be because protests are like "Cleveland Steamers on Christ on the Cross" to those sensitive Chinese people.(是不是还需要一些新的例子来证明中国**一直审查着中国人的信仰?google一下天安门在美版的google再去中国的google搜一下,看到那些在中国天安门上舞动红旗的开心人和绽放的烟花了没?额,这就是所谓的保护中国大众免受基督搞Cleveland Steamers的图片毒害。
——Common sense, isn't(这位童鞋发飙了,举了一大堆例子,还有很明显的证据。他的观点很显然,这种保护是过度的。不过我没法查到在美版的google搜天安门图片会是啥,估计全被屏蔽了……总之肯定不会是我们搜索到的那么美好的场面,我怀疑是“学潮”的图片?很有可能,反正很多东东**是不会给我们看到的。)