

作者:57 文章来源: 更新时间:09-05-10

  我在新一期的PC Gamer上找到了这个,那篇文章还有配上截图,但是没啥新鲜玩意,所以我就不全部扫描了。从文章中(他们采访了BLZ的美工指导&首席设计师Sam Didier)可以看出,美工方面的工作已经接近完成。如果说还有什么真正要做的,那就是为低配置机器重新制作一套图形了。要弄好这些单位的模型需要一个星期左右的时间。最终游戏中的每个单位都需要进行一次全面的润色(我们已经见到他们对某些P、T和Z的单位进行了润色)。然后那个肥肥丑丑的感染者(*指旧的感染者模型)还留在游戏中,但是只会在单人战役和地图编辑器中出现了。


Found this in the new PC Gamer, it also has a screenshot with the new art but nothing else new so I'm not going to scan it. According to the article (they interviewed Didier) the artwork is almost final. If anything they'll do one more run through to meet lower system requirements. It takes a little over a week to do the models for these units. Eventually every unit in the game is going to get a complete makeover (we've already seen some protoss, terran, and zerg units makeovers). And the fat ugly infestor is still in the game but only in single player and map editor.