作者:57 文章来源: 更新时间:09-05-10
Rob Pardo confirmed at the GDC 2009 that Blizzard Entertainment and Microsoft are talking about the Xbox 360 successor.And by the looks of it they want its successor to have a keyboard and mouse peripherals and tools to allow MMO and RTS gameplay on consoles. The potential is enormous. Imagine World of Warcraft, Starcraft: Ghost, Starcraft II and even Diablo III on PC and Consoles.It is the culprit of the Next-Gen MMO no doubt.
在2009年游戏开发者大会上,Rob Pardo承认了暴雪娱乐正与微软商谈关于下一代Xbox360主机的一些问题。看起来他们是希望以后的Xbox主机能加上鼠标和键盘等外设和其他玩MMO和RTS类游戏的工具。这不禁让人浮想联翩:魔兽世界、星际争霸:幽灵、星际争霸2,甚至暗黑3都可以同时跑在PC上和家用机上。这肯定是在为那次世代MMO打的算盘。
The future is looking brighter for Blizzard and all its millions of fans if Microsoft can pull the right cards off its sleeve and places them into the table to make it possible.
Blizzard Quote:
Rob Pardo: “There are are so many games like we make at Blizzard that we don’t take to consoles because they don’t support the input device, and you end up with crappy ports. That’s why RTS games never do well on consoles,” he said.
“我们暴雪制作了这么多游戏,却从未把他们移植到家用机上,因为它们不支持相关的输入设备,所以你只能用很恶心的办法将就着。因此一直以来RTS类游戏在家用机上的表现都不怎么样,”Rob Pardo如是说。
“If I was them, I’d be sitting around trying to figure out what’s a cool input device that supports all types of new kinds of games.”—read more
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