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Enter the instance and head down the stairs towards the first encounter. Wait through the drama before the gate opens and fight Ilzkal of the Pummelers.

1. Ilzkal of the Pummelers 拳击者伊兹卡
Stage 1 第一阶段
This boss is somewhat simple. He has a buff called "Steeled Mind" that cannot be removed and has no duration. This buff makes Ilzkal immune to cries during the fight. Ilzkal has several typical skills including a 3-hit combo called devastate and a diasarm.
这个boss 是个普通的怪物。他有一个增益技能叫做“强大意志”不能被移除,并且没有持续时间。这个增益技能使伊兹卡在战斗中对吼叫免疫。伊兹卡有几种典型的技能,包括3次攻击组合技能,叫做重击和恢复。
Stage 2 第二阶段
When Ilzkal reaches 50% health he will begin a short induction to cast a 6m AOE fear debuff. "You will know the meaning of terror" is the callout for this effect. This aoe marks the beginning of stage 2. twelve seconds after the beginning of stage 2 Ilzkal will perform a 30m aoe that removes the fear debuff from any players who were affected by it. Anyone who has the fear effect removed is dealt heavy damage. All damage dealt to players by this attack heals the Uruk.
Stage 2 also introduces a 3 hit combo 4m AOE called "Rain of Blows" that deals heavy damage with a 20% chance to crit. This move occurs roughly every 10 seconds during stage 2.
当伊兹卡剩下50%的血时,他将会释放一个恐惧减益,6米的范围攻击效果。同时喊出“让你尝尝恐惧的滋味”。这个范围攻击效果就是第二阶段的开始。 在第二阶段开始后的12秒,伊兹卡将会释放一个30米范围攻击效果的技能,将玩家身上的恐惧减益移除。被移除恐惧效果的玩家将会受到重创。玩家所受到的伤害会治愈强兽人。
Stage 3 第三阶段
Stage 3 begins when the Uruk reaches 10% health. At this stage all of his previous skills become blocked. Ilzkal enters a confusion stage, where no aggro can be held and deals 150% more damage with regular attacks until he is slain.

2. Dorozg the Handler and Khlark the Beast 驯兽者多罗兹格和怪兽Khlark
Both of these mobs are fairly traditional in their tactics, but fighting both of them together is a difficult process. They each have buffs that are enabled when they are fighting together. It is possible to keep Khlark asleep during this fight by having a player play one of the two sets of drums. The player must have the passive trait drum use to utilize this ability.
To test target a player and /trait earn trait_c_cosmetic_drums.wc
测试目标玩家,/ 特性 获得 trait_c_cosmetic_drums.wc

Dorozg the Handler驯兽者多罗兹格
When Dorozg is not being protected by Khlark he will utilize an ability called Skull Crack. The uruk begins an interruptable induction that upon completion hits players with the “drumming” flag for 1000 damage, a large wound based DoT and a barring effect called Dazed and Confused which prevents character from playing drums for duration. This debuff lasts 10 seconds.
When Dorozg is commanding the best an aura buff will be active on them both named Command the Beast. When this is active all of the abilities listed below are active.
Directed Target: While under the effect of Command of the Beast the troll attacks the target called out by the uruk. Target changes to uruk’s top threat every 20 seconds.
Lower Damage: The troll deals 50% less damage while under Command of the Beast.
Fast Attacks: The troll attacks 33% faster while under the effect of Command of the Beast.
Words of Command: Heals beast for 25% health and 10% power.
Dread Shield: The Beast must be awake for this skill to be available. This also means that the troll’s protect master effect is active as well. Absorbs 100% of incoming damage from uruk’s power until the uruk is out of power.
吸收100% 的强兽人输出的伤害直到强兽人没有任何的能量。
Sap Power: Drains 200 power per second for 10 seconds restoring 200%

Khlark the Beast 怪兽Khlark
Swat: Targets someone in melee, not the highest threat, knocks target back and deals 2000 damage with a variance of 25% and crits for 150% of damage for a total of 1500 – 2500 normally and 2250 – 3750 on a crit. Only available when not under effect of Command the Beast. 20 second cooldown, infinite skill.
猛击:目标 近身目标,不是最大的威胁,攻击目标,造成2000点伤害25%的差异,重击在1500 – 2500的一般伤害基础上提高150%的伤害,达到2250 – 3750的伤害值。这个技能使用时,要求没有驯化野兽技能的效果。20秒的冷却时间,无限技能。
Ground and Pound: Channeled skill – interruptible – dealing 500 damage per 2 seconds to all characters within 8m for 10 seconds. 20 second cool down. High probability.
地面猛击:引导技能 – 可中断的 – 每2秒钟对8米内的所有角色产生500点伤害,持续10秒。20秒的冷却时间。高概率。
Smash: Squashes puny players to pancake size. Overhead slam dealing 1000 damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds. High power. 4 second cooldown.
Grind to Dust: Troll strikes a single player for roughly 500 damage. Increased critical chance by 25%. Critical wounds player reducing speed by 50% and armor by 50% for 10 seconds. 4 second cooldown. High probability.
Protect Master: Aura effect interacting with the handler. Effects are listed below.
Feedback: Icon display under the monster portrait surrounded by a white border. (White indicates that the skill cannot be removed)
Immune to Conjunction: The Handler is immune to conjunctions while the troll is active.
Unbound Rage: This effect is applied only when the troll and Uruk have fought together and only occurs when the uruk dies before the troll. The effect is applied to the troll on the uruk’s death. Permanent buff, increases damage to 150% and sets troll to confused state.

3. Gothghaash the Firecaller唤火者高瑟哈斯
After walking up the lava-grate walkway to the platform Gothghaash will enter a short drama, after which he'll begin the encounter.
Fire Shield: Applies a damage shield returning 50% of melee damage dealt back upon the damage dealer. Shield lasts for 10 seconds and is recast 20 seconds after dropping. Infinite cast every 30 seconds.
Strength of Fire: See below – increased damage and attack speed.
火焰之力:如下 – 增加伤害和攻击速度
Ignite: Randomly targets character who is not the main tank and applies a DoT dealing 500 fire damage initially and 250 fire damage/2 seconds for 20 seconds. This is a wound.
Lava Spot: Summons a lava spot under a random target forcing players to move outside. The Lava spot is a hotspot dealing heavy progression damage every second for ten seconds before solidifying.
Gothghaash will also summon an immobile Fumarole that will buff him with Strength of Fire that adds 50% damage and reduces attack speed by 100% while its active.

4. Glothrok the Vile卑鄙的戈洛挲克
Initially Glothrok can be found riding his warg, in stage 2 the two seperate and must be dealt with seperately. Stage 2 begins when Glothrok hits 50% health.
Stage 1 第一阶段
Run Through: Charges random (not top aggro) target and applies a powerful wound on the target. 250 damage/2 seconds for 20 seconds. Carrier effect of slowing the target’s movement by 50% for 20 seconds – also a wound. 20 second cooldown. Only available while mounted.
Pin: Targets main tank knocking them to the ground. 35 second cooldown. Only available while mounted.
Skewer: Big hit on target which is knocked down. Deals 2500 common damage to knocked down target.
Daggers: Throws poison daggers at all party members. Poison carries two effects. Effect one is a weak DoT. Effect two is a countdown timer to a 3s stun.
Stage 2 第二阶段
Warg: The warg is a simple signature with no real skills and is susceptible to all manners of CC. However, if the warg pet is slain before Glothrok the Vile, Glothrok will use his frenzy skill which makes him much more challenging.
Call Whelps: Every 30 seconds during stage two, Glothrok the Vile will cause one group of three whelps to become aggro and charge a single target. This applies to his mount as well. Players can use the horn acquired in the training area or meat from the food stores to call the warg pack away.
Frenzy: If the warg is killed before Glothrok the Vile, he gains the confused state, increases damage output by 75% and gains a 50% bonus to attack speed.

5. Nardur of the Shields巨盾纳尔多
If players do not reach Nardur in 10 minutes than he will be at 6 on the map, rather than 5. The circular arena in which you fight Nardur makes his knockback his most deadly ability. Be sure to fight him in the center of his arena.
Steeled Mind: Start-up effect that makes the caster immune to cry skills.
Swipe Away: 90 degree frontal arc knockaway, deals 500 common damage and knocks players back by 6m.
Shield Stun: Stuns the top of the aggro chart, 3s stun.
Shield Toss: Throws shield at a target dealing 2000 damage and stuns the target for 6s. Not main aggro.
Rain of Blows: 4m AoE triple hit. Each deals 500 common damage with a 20% crit damage bonus for 1500 – 1800. High chance to occur on attacks every 10 seconds.
迅疾击打:4米的范围攻击效果,每一次攻击造成500点伤害,20%的几率产生爆击造成1500 – 1800点的伤害。高发生率的攻击,每10秒的攻击间隔。
Focused Fury: At low health become immune to Fellowship Maneuvers and increase attack speed and damage from melee and ranged skills by 50%.

6. Snak the Devoted 忠实的部下Snak
Snak is not a particularly difficult mob in himself, and thats due to the fact that if players want the best loot they need to keep him alive. Snak is immune to all forms of cc, and projects a 6m aura that makes others immune to cc as well. At 30 second intervals Snak will summon two elite Orc Lurkers into the room. All of these abilities apply whether the players fight him in his own chamber at location 6, or if they fight him alongside the final boss.

7. Igash the Fanatic狂热的埃加什

Igash is the final boss in the instance and is simply the hardest fight here. He is built so that he is the most difficult fight in the instance regardless of what bosses are dead, but the fewer bosses that live – the easier that Igash becomes. The only caveat is that the White Hand orcs (Ilzkal and Nardur) do not contribute to his strength. However, if the White Hand orcs ‘kill’ the sub-boss in the Moria Orc Encampment Igash is weakened and the reward for the instance is lowered substantially. Like many bosses in the instance, Igash is immune to cries and normal CC.
Igash has four extra abilities available if the tributary members still live. All, save one, are called out below. The fourth ability is to call his supplicant – Snak the Devoted to the fight.
Adding the Devoted to the fight enables all of the Devoted’s skills and abilities, including the adds. Should the Devoted be slain during this fight the bonus his presence would contribute to the loot at the end of the instance is lost. If players deal with the Devoted successfully - meaning they keep him alive and do not kill him - during the fight and kill Igash, the Devoted will run off with the remainder of his bonus adds and his loot contribution remains intact.
Steeled Mind: Start-up effect that makes the caster immune to cry skills.
Swat: Targets someone in melee, not the highest threat, knocks target back and deals 1000 damage with and crits for 150% of damage for a total of 1000 normally and 1500 on a crit. Only available when the Beast is still alive. 20 second cooldown, infinite skill.
猛击:目标 近身目标,不是最大的威胁,攻击目标,造成1000点伤害,有爆击几率,爆击产生的总伤害为普通伤害的150%,1500点伤害。当怪兽存活时,才可使用,20秒的冷却时间,无限技能。
Lava Spot: Summons a lava spot under a random target forcing players to move outside. The Lava spot is a hotspot dealing heavy progression damage every second for ten seconds before solidifying. Occurs every twenty seconds – shared with Swat and Run Through. Only available if Gothgaash is still alive.
岩浆点:召唤岩浆点,任意目标,将玩家赶出。岩浆点是一个热区,在凝固之前,每秒产生严重伤害,持续10秒。每20秒发生一次 – 与猛击和疾跑穿越可同时作用。仅当高瑟哈斯存活时才可使用。
Run Through: Charges random (not top aggro) target and applies a powerful wound on the target. 250 damage/2 seconds for 20 seconds. Carrier effect of slowing the target’s movement by 50% for 20 seconds – also a wound. 20 second cooldown. Only available while Glothrok the Vile is alive.
Volley of Shadow Swords: Launches swords at one target not the main aggro. Deals 1250 shadow damage to that target.
Ring of Shadow: 360 AoE attack in a 4m radius uninterruptible 4s second induction. Deals roughly 750-1000 damage.
暗影戒指:半径为4米的360度环形范围攻击,不可中断的持续4秒的攻击。造成750 – 1000点的伤害。
Crushing Dark: Deals 1500 shadow damage and stuns all targets within 30m for 2s, wipes aggro. Happens at 50% health only. Transition skill to stage 2.
Expose Weakness: Targets top threat target, bypassing target’s armor.
At this point, provided each of the bosses are still alive several chests should be available to you.

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